What are Your Essential Habits?
There are many habits that I do every day. It’s from waking up until going to sleep again. These habits seem to be on autopilot. It runs without needing to think twice. It’s like opening an application. Just click, and it opens immediately.
The problem is some habits become boring routines. From there, I became more aware of it. I started to notice a pattern. Then, I began to change its structure by making variations.
For example, I changed my running habit from once a week to 3 to 4 times a week. By changing the structure, my routine has changed, and the rhythm of life is not so monotonous. Maybe monotonous is what makes me bored.
Apart from that, I also become aware of every habit that I do. I realized that not all of it was good or useful. So, I started to sort and choose which were essentials for my life.
Choosing important habits is easy. We have to see the effects of this habit first. Choose some that make us healthier or more productive. Avoid some that make us weak, tired, lethargic, or limp.
Essential habits that we must prioritize are usually called keystone habits. These are a collection of habits that can improve our performance. It can encourage us to do another habit. It’s like a domino effect. If I do one keystone habit, I will do other relatable habits.
For example, my keystone habit is running. It supports others, like reading and writing, because my mind can concentrate easily.
Now, let’s find out which habits are essential for us. I will share two types of it. Both are keystone habits and personal habits.
OK, let’s discuss keystone habits first.
There are several keystone habits that we can all do. Those are exercise, eating healthy food, reading, etc.
Exercise/ Sport
Exercise is a habit that can reduce symptoms of stress because it can produce endorphins hormone. That works if done optimally.
Ideally, you should exercise for 30 minutes. Or you can measure the working capacity of your heart rate with this formula:
Maximum Heart Rate: 220 — Age
For example: 220–20 = 200 rate per minute.
Minimum Intensity Heart Rate, 70% Maximum Heat Rate: 70% X (220 — Age)
For example: 70% X (220–20) = 140 rate per minute.
So, if your pulse or heart rate is under minimum intensity heart rate, your exercise is less optimal. But if it exceeds the maximum heart rate, you have reached the maximum limit. I suggest you stop and rest. It’s better if your heart rate is in the middle, over minimum intensity and under maximum.
Eating Healthy Foods
The next one is eating healthy foods. It includes needs and habits. What we must be aware of is the habit. Because everyone’s eating habits are different. Some are used to eating fatty and high-cholesterol foods, while others prefer healthy and balanced.
Then, a keystone habit that can develop our knowledge is reading. Reading needs concentration. But the effect of it is good. To be more enthusiastic about reading, you can read books about your passion or field of work.
What are your keystone habits, then?
The second type is personal habits.
Everyone has personal habits that are different from other people. You do this habit like a hobby. Just for fun. You can determine your own. For example, now I like playing a keyboard piano. This habit is more personal because it is not a common one.
So, what are your habits?
You can also choose habits according to your area of life. For example, to increase health, knowledge, creativity, or income.
Once the habit is consistent, you will feel the effect on your life. But you can also make variations like I did, so it doesn’t get boring.
From now on, try to be more aware of your habits. Choose habits that make you better, not worse. Choose some that are essential in your life.