How to Train Your EQ and SQ Easily
EQ, or Emotional Quotient, is an indicator of your emotional intelligence. When you have a good EQ, you have good emotional intelligence. It means you can control your emotion better.
For example, by improving EQ, you can handle a sad person in front of you or understand what he feels.
While SQ, or Spiritual Quotient, is an indicator of your spiritual intelligence. It relates to how you connect with your spirit and your God. It helps you to be wiser and understand life from a spiritual perspective.
For example, by improving SQ, you can live a more meaningful life and enjoy your life too. It’s because you understand life deeply.
Why should you train these things?
Both EQ and SQ are important in your life. I mentioned before that it’s about life. It’s about building a good relationship with other people and with God. When these aspects are balanced, you can have a better life than before.
I found many problems come from those aspects.
When the EQ is low, we are easier to hate people. When the SQ is the same, we are easier to blame God. On the other hand, we should be grateful for anything in life. It means training in these aspects helps us to be happier in life.
Let’s minimize the problem. Here is the practical way for you.
How to train your EQ:
Lower your ego and understand others as who they are.
You can be an active listener. Listen to people’s stories actively. You can ask anything about them. Look at their eyes. Try to understand the content and the context of the story. Then, you can respond to it based on your perspective. Don’t try to judge it. Just follow the flow.
Finally, the result of this training is that you will have more empathy.
How to train your SQ:
Get to know yourself and God more deeply.
The Spiritual Quotient is related to religion. Training your spirituality will make you better at religion. To do it, you need to be calm and focused when you pray. Then, you have to see life from the neutral side. God is good.
Finally, the result of the training is that you will be wiser than before.
I think IQ is important, but EQ and SQ are more important. Combining these three aspects not only makes you smart but also intelligent. Are you ready to train them? Just do it.