How to Make Happiness a Habit
I’m always curious about making a meaningful life where there is no negative feeling but happiness.
As we know there are ups and downs in life. Someone said that life is spinning like the vehicle's wheels, sometimes we are in the upside position but sometimes we are down. It seems we can’t be happy all the time because we used to see happiness as a certain condition. Then, what if we make happiness as an active effort rather than a passive condition?
But wait.
This happiness topic reminds me of Finland.
According to, Finland is the #1 happiest country in the world in 2020.
I assume that Finland has something that we can adapt to. There is one interesting philosophy of Finnish: Sisu.
In short, Sisu is the Finnish art of courage, resilience, grit, or perseverance.
Emilia Lahti explained it clearly in here.
Sisu is like a habit or a way of life. Besides, there are common habits that make Finn gaining happiness. Those habits are running, biking, going to nature and swimming in the ice water. It indicates that movement and perseverance give an effect on our happiness level.
Then, should we make happiness a habit?
I think so. We have a chance to be the happiest man or woman. We also have a chance to transform our country becomes the happiest country. Because our action matters. Keep in mind that happiness is an active effort. You build it. You feel it.
Going back to my past experience. I had ever felt that happiness came from achieving something. I thought that happiness came from external things. So, when I was not in the desired position I simply not happy.
I then realize that we have to make happiness a habit, not a decision.
How come?
Yap. Like the other habit. We make it autonomous. We try to feel happy every single day. We act as a happy human in the world. I know it’s difficult at first but you will be used to it as time goes by. One day, happiness will become your habit.
You can choose happiness. You can fill your mind with positive things. And be grateful before you go to sleep.
“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” — Omar Khayyam