How to Act Like Superhero
Taking action is not always easy. Sometimes the condition is not perfect to do.
But what it means to be perfect?
A little action won’t create a perfect result. Ya. But it will create an opportunity. It makes the unknown will be known. The obstacle will be easier to be tackled. The impossible will be possible.
When action is combined with dedication, it will become meaningful action because we do something for goodness. No matter how small, but action with dedication is meaningful.
For example, when you teach students at school. You can teach them many materials. But if you do it with dedication, you will try to guide, support and empower them to reach their goals. You act on it as a real superhero.
The moment when we can help someone achieve what they want is really priceless. Remember when your mother held your little hands 10 years or 20 years ago. You learned how to walk. You learned how to run. You learned how to jump. Even your mother help you to say something, right? Does she ask you to pay for her?
I guess no. She did it with truly action and dedication. She wanted to see your growth.
My mother taught me how to serve others because she is a strong housewife. Then, my father taught me how to teach. Ya, he was a teacher actually. I’m following his path right now. Teaching and learning become my life journey.
I know I can’t serve and teach all people, but I can do it to my closest people first. My action is still in progress. My dedication will follow it. I hope.
Action + Dedication = Meaningful action.
Whatever your job or profession is, just do it with dedication ma friend.
Be a teacher with dedication.
Be a leader with dedication.
Be an employee with dedication.
You can make your life meaningfully.
Do you want to act like a superhero?
Start doing action with dedication first.