2 Simple Tips on How to Be a Great Parent
As the last child in my family, I feel like I’m different than my older brother and sister because the first thing that makes me different is that I live longer with my parents. So, I suddenly know what it feels like to be a parent. I know what they want from their kids. I know their hopes and needs, even though they don’t tell me directly.
I then realize that being a parent is not as easy as being a kid.
I’m at an early adult age right now. I’m still single, but I learn a lot from my parents. It helps me to prepare for my parenting life in the future.
Sometimes, my mind wanders to the future. I imagine if I’m a parent with kids. I see how they will grow up with me. I see how they learn together with me.
There are two tips that every parent needs to know. I write it based on my perspective.
First, the kids need a role model. As they grow older, they will realize that life is not about playing anymore. They need someone who can lift them. They need someone who can teach them life lessons. The boy needs to know how to be a great man. The girl needs to know how to be a great woman. It’s better if the first role model is the parent.
Second, the kids need unlimited support. As they grow older, they will understand that every close person matters. Day by day, the people disappear from their cycle. It means the support decreases. But the parent is the last person who can give them support. The unlimited supports must come from the parent.
Last but not least, becoming a great parent is not easy. But the fact that the kid needs a parent who can be a role model and a supporter. We can be great parents by doing those simple tips.
Do you want to be a great parent?